Stuck/ limited on 512 MB (VRAM) of Resource Usage (GTA IV: The complete edition) // How to fix

This is a common error that occurs for most users. I tried many different ways, but the only one that worked was using the "Definitive Edition" mod
Stuck/ limited on 512 MB (VRAM) of Resource Usage

This is a common error that occurs for most users, this game has poor compatibility with computer hardware.

This error causes the game to run with low FPS even though the computer configuration can play well.

I tried many different ways, but the only one that worked was using the "Definitive Edition" mod.

The only way: use the "Definitive Edition" mod

Step 1: Open "Definitive Edition" folder

Step 2: Cut and Paste

Select all files and folders inside, right-click on them, select "Cut".

Open the game folder, right-click on the white space and select "Paste".

For the "Replace or Skip Files" question, select "Replace the files in the destination".

Done! The "Definitive Edition" mod has been installed

Step 3: Play game and enjoy!

Don't forget to watch the tutorial video

This is where the tutorial video is located. If you don't see it, that means there is no tutorial video available.

This is where the files needed for the fix are located. If you don't see them, that means the fix doesn't need to use the files.

Definitive Edition.rar 4.2 GB

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